

Understood as the process by which we assume and take responsibility for the guidance and control of our own life path.

In the case of women, it involves awareness of how gender affects the daily life of the people, to our life, limiting the development of our potential and hampering the resolution of our problems and needs from a limiting and limited perspective.

a. The importance of key competencies. The acquisition of personal resources is essential, students from abroad to learn a second language, social skills, access to the available resources.

b. Developing creativity. Openness to new ideas and experimentation in new scenarios, behaviours and/or innovative thinking styles to meet vital needs and professional aspirations.

c. Collective development of personal and professional changing processes. It has favoured joint action by women who are in the same situation. To experience that there are other people who are in a similar situation. Peer learning is also considered a powerful resource.

d. Positive visualization of the processes of empowerment. There has been generated a process where women go for the private economic activity and semi-hidden to the public and professional visibility of their occupations in the fields of activity of the promoters of projects (presentations, exhibitions, parades ...).